Family Mediation for Children's Custody & Parenting Plans
If parents don’t reach agreements about their children’s care arrangements, then in around 78% of cases this will lead to conflict that worsens over time, causing stress and making it harder for you to reach agreements that work.
Where there is no legally enforceable agreement, then in around 54% of cases this will lead to one parent not having return of their children when scheduled, leaving you with having to go to the Family Court. Start your Family Mediation Process within 2 Days
To help parents, we start your mediation process within 2 days (speaking with each parent separately), then book your mediation within 5 days thereafter (whereas other mediation organisations have a 3 to 4 month waiting list).
Get the Certainty You Need with Formalised Agreements
Our mediators formalise your mediation agreements, so you can then make them legally binding once they are stamped by the Family Court, giving you greater certainty (whereas other mediation organisations typically provide mediation agreements in simple sentences or dot-points or just print off a whiteboard).
Mediate at an Affordable Cost
We charge only $227.27 (ex GST) per hour intake, mediation pursuant to our schedule of costs (whereas other mediation organisations charge over $450 per hour).
Engage the Best Family Mediators
Our mediators have collectively completed over 3,000 mediations (or 12,000 hours) in family disputes relating to parenting matters (children's care arrangements, communication, long-term decisions, schooling, relocation) and property matters (division of assets and liabilities).
Our mediators act as a neutral third party assisting you in reaching agreements (to remain impartial and unbiased, we do not engage in legal practice or act as lawyers or provide legal advice in any way). Get a Mediation that is Tailored to You
We provide face-to-face mediation (in the same room), shuttle mediation (from two separate rooms), phone mediation (either conference call or separate calls), and online mediation (either joint video-conference or separate video-conference).
We also conduct child-inclusive mediations (where during the mediation session a child psychologist provides feedback to the parties, after having spent time with the children to determine through therapeutic tools and strategies how they are coping with the separation and current parenting arrangements). We conduct online mediations and phone mediations across Australia and internationally. We allow parties to attend with their lawyers if they wish, for lawyer-assisted mediation Experience Courtesy & Understanding
Since we understand what separated and divorced parents are going through, we provide a mediation process that places you at ease and ensures that any power imbalances do not affect the process or influence the outcome.
Get Your Section 60I Certificate in 7 Days
Our mediators are authorised by the Department of the Federal Attorney-General to issue section 601 certificates (required before applying for parenting orders at the Family Court of Australia), and will issue it if your ex-partner does not participate within 7 days.
To start the mediation process, simply complete the form: |
What Others Say About Family Mediation Brisbane
"I felt respected and understood, and the agreements have allowed us to get on with parenting our children. Thank you for making it easy."
- Brian, Westlake QLD
"Franc was our mediator and he was outstanding. He asked the right questions and uncovered the reasons beneath what my ex and I wanted, and this allowed us to be creative with what we agreed to in the end. Resolutions were detailed and professionally written, and we got them stamped by the Family Court. Highly recommended service."
- Colin, Bulimba QLD
"Went in without a hope of getting any agreements, but you guys got us thinking about what the kids need. Made a massive difference to me and the kids. Thank-you for all your help."
- Helen, Rochedale QLD
"You provide a brilliant service when we needed it the most. It was money well spent getting through the mediation process in less than 2 weeks instead of waiting 3 months for my phone call from the government service. 5-star rating!"
- Kelly, Robina QLD
"Can't thank you enough for doing the mediation so quickly. Greatly appreciated!"
- Belinda, Wynnum QLD
DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is for general guidance only. No person should act or refrain from acting on the basis of this information. Professional legal advice should be sought based upon your particular circumstances, because laws and regulations undergo frequent changes.