Refer Your Client to Family Mediation Direct
- If you have a client who urgently needs family mediation, you may refer your client to Family Mediation Direct by completing the form below
Our Timeframes & Availability for Family Mediation
- We contact your client within 24 hours of your referral of your client to us
- We guarantee your client's intake within 2 business days of starting the process
- We guarantee a written invitation and telephone contact of the other party on the same day as your client's intake
- We guarantee your client's mediation within 5 business days after the other party's intake (subject to the parties' availability)
Section 60I Certificates
- We are authorised by the Federal Attorney-General's Department to issue Section 60I Certificates
- We issue certificates, should the other party not respond or undertake their intake within 7 days of the written invitation
Inclusion of Solicitors in the Mediation Process
- We encourage your attendance & involvement in your client's mediation process
- We keep you informed of the progress of your client's mediation process
Affordable Cost
- We charge at the rate of $227.27 (ex GST) per hour intake, mediation pursuant to our Schedule of Costs